PROTOTYPE+No.9179199251002 / Tora BD Goods Preorder

If you are interested in buying some goods from the PROTOTYPE+No.9179199251002 Tour or some goods specific to Tora’s Birthday, they are currently accepting preorders through the M.A.D. shop.

The preorder period: Until October 16th 2022, midnight (JST)
Shipping of orders begins: Mid-November 2022

If you buy at least 10,000 JPY worth of Tora BD 2022 Items, you will be sent a card with a QR code that has special video footage on it as a bonus gift.

If you’d like to order something as an overseas fan and haven’t done so before, check out [ THIS LJ ENTRY ] for a general guide on how to do it.

Here are the images and shop links of items on offer:

■ PHOTO CARD SET [TYPE+A / TYPE+B] (each type is 5 photo cards) 1,200 JPY each


■ PROTOTYPE+STAND with Gt [TYPE+H / TYPE+T] 2,000 JPY each

■ PT+ UNIFORM TEE [SIZE:M/L] 6,000 JPY each

■ [Tora BD 2022] Premium Acrylic Stand 3,800 JPY

■ [Tora BD 2022] Tora Bracelet of Good Fortune [SIZE: S/M] 5,800 JPY each

■ [Tora BD 2022] Tora T 2022 [SIZE: M/L] 6,500 JPY each

■ [Tora BD 2022] Tora Hoodie 2022 [SIZE: FREE] 8,800 JPY each