A [ notice ] was posted the morning of the 9th on their official website, as well as on all their social media accounts. The following is an English translation of such, with as much clarity and accuracy as I can muster:
More than usual, we wish to express our abundant gratitude at being granted your special consideration.
At this time, we must inform you that, as of September 3rd 2023, ALICE NINE. will indefinitely “freeze” their activities.
Since formation in 2004, with your assistance, the members have been conducing activities, not a single one of them missing. Thus, last October, they were able to release a work that was the culmination of their 18 years of activities as a band.
In order to aim for even greater heights while in the course of searching for their vision hereafter, the members came to once more discuss at length what they should do so that each of them would face themselves without regret, and the necessity of the members growing even more individually.
As a result, all the members affirmed that continuing to do activities while the five of them stay in their present circumstances would be difficult, and arrived at the conclusion that this would be an indefinite “suspension of activities”.
From here, for the sake of conveying our feelings of gratitude to as many of the people who looked after us in our eighteenth year as possible, we will be performing “LAST DANCE”, a performance we have been carrying out since last year, in every region of the country.
To all of those who have supported us until now, once again, we offer you our gratitude.
Please accept our best regards in the hopes that we may continue to receive your kind support.