Back in my early days of studying Japanese, in order to read any ALICE NINE. magazine article or interview, I had to painstakingly look up each kanji that I didn’t know, put them together, and then search up words in the dictionary. I got real good at drawing kanji in IME pad… it was slow-going, though. In order to avoid having to look things up twice, I decided to just start typing entire interviews up in their original Japanese in word, adding furigana, turning them into PDFs, and then using those files for reading practice and awkward attempts at translations.

If you’re currently in the same boat as I was, trying to increase your vocabulary and kanji knowledge, there’s no better way than to learn through reading the stuff you’re really interested in: aliceniney stuff, that is. It worked for me!

For anyone interested, here are the old images and PDFs I created for reading practice… may they help make your own study sessions more fun! Most of these scans can be greatly enlarged to make both the kanji and associated furigana big and clear so make sure to right-click and open the images in a new tab or save them to your device for maximum zooming.

It is entirely possible there are a few typos in there. Please forgive past-me. lol

Piece of 5ive elements [THE BOOK] Alice Nine 5th

B-PASS 2009 Special Edition

Glare vol 02

Neo Genesis vol 49

WINK UP 2007.10

Zy vol 53

The documents below are fully typed up versions of printed interviews and articles, but they do not always have furigana added; the digital format makes unknown kanji far more easily searchable, though!

Neo Genesis vol 52 – read typed interview (PDF)
SHOXX 2011.03 vol 217 – read typed interview (PDF)
Zy vol 36 – read typed interview (PDF)
Zy vol 44 – read typed interview (PDF)

If you have any questions about these aliceniney study materials or would just like to discuss Alice Nine. in general, you’re welcome to do so on the Discord!
