Release Date: 2005-03-30
Romanized: gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi
English: Moon of Silver, Black Stars
Format: Single
Editions: Limited
Released As: アリス九號.
Physical: Out of Print
Streaming: Spotify
Associated Tour: Various Lives (2005.02.12 – 03.26) / Kagrra, Tour shara~natsukashi no rakuen~ (2005.04) Opening Act
★ This single was only released as a limited edition, and only 5000 copies of the single were ever printed.
★ Each copy of the single came with one random alternate cover (6 types) and one random trading card (8 types).
★ This single and its title song is also sometimes referred to simply as ‘gin tsuki’ (Silver Moon).
Limited (2005/03/30)
o1. 銀の月 黒い星
gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi
o2. 光彩ストライプ
kousai STRIPE
o1. 銀の月 黒い星 PV
gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi PV
Limited Edition
Alternate Covers
Trading Cards
no image available for the others
★ 銀の月 黒い星
gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi
Composed by Saga (Fool’s Mate 2005.04 vol 282).
The lyrics were written by Show.
Click [ here ] for a full deep-dive into the song, including lyric translations and more facts.
★ 光彩ストライプ
kousai STRIPE
Composed by Saga (Fool’s Mate 2005.04 vol 282).
The lyrics were written by Show.
Click [ here ] for a full deep-dive into the song, including lyric translations and more facts.
CD Releases
F+IX=YOU {Limited Type B}
– gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi
15TH ANNIVERSARY BEST [kachou no shirabe]
– gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi
Click on the image previews for full-size versions.
★ Cure 2005.04 vol 19 (CU-0504.19)
no image of page one
★ Cure 2005.05 vol 20 (CU-0505.20)
no image of interview text
★ Fool’s Mate 2005.04 vol 282 (FM-0504.282)
English Translation: Band Interview (selected quotes)
★ hévn 2005.01 保存盤。 (HE-0502.HZB Special Edition)
Includes Band Audio Comment CD, and you can listen to ALICE NINE.’s 3 minute comment below, wishing fans a happy new year:
★ hévn 2005.02 vol 16 (HE-0502.02)
English Translation: Band Interview (selected quotes)
& Band Member Feature
★ SHOXX 2005.04 vol 146 (SX-0504.146)
★ SHOXX 2005.05 vol 147 (SX-0505.147)
no image of MV report text
English Translation: Band Interview (selected quotes)
Click on the image previews for full-size versions.
A set of flyers promoting the release of their trilogy of singles in 2005: gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi, yami ni chiru sakura, and yuri wa aoku saite. The flyers advised purchasers that buying all three limited edition singles would afford them the privilege of receiving a VHS copy of the GRADATION PV as a free gift. The third and fourth flyers also announce their live schedule for February and March of 2005, along with the tour dates they would be opening for senior PSC band Kagrra, in April of that same year.
Sometime after their live at TRIBAL ARIVALL vol. 89 (2005.02.27), the following flyer was handed out with a short profile of each member on one side and a live report on the other; opening it up reveals an interview, a psychological quiz, and a questionnaire that the members answered!
Leading up to the release of gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi and then up to the release of their follow-up single yami ni chiru sakura, ALICE NINE. played a series of lives that included festival dates and joint lives, and then joined Kagrra, for a spring tour as their opening act.
Various Live Appearances
February 12, 2005 – March 26, 2005
Between February 12th and March 26th of 2005, ALICE NINE. played several lives, though these were not part of a particular tour and included festival dates.
02.14 Nagoya Electric Lady Land
02.27 Shibuya O-WEST (TRIBAL ARIVALL vol.89)
03.01 Shibuya O-EAST
03.16 Nagoya HEARTLAND
03.26 HOLIDAY SHINJYUKU (地中楼閣-Underground Multistoried Building-#62)
Kagrra, Spring Tour: Shara~The longed-for paradise~
Opening Act
April 3, 2005 – April 14, 2005
During Kagrra,’s tour in April 2005, ALICE NINE. joined them as their opening act, wearing their yami ni chiru sakura stage outfits.
04.03 Koriyama CLUB #9
04.05 Osaka BANANA HALL
04.06 Nagoya ELL
04.08 Fukuoka DRUM Be-1
04.14 Shibuya AX
This video is a compilation of some of the members of ALICE NINE. backstage at Koriyama CLUB #9, with Izumi prompting some of them to give a comment, as well as a scene between Isshi and Nao in which you can hear ALICE NINE.’s set in the background. At the end, you can watch a bit of Kagrra,’s set as well.
The following is some backstage footage of the ALICE NINE. members giving comments before going onstage for Kagrra,’s tour finale, as well as interacting with Akiya, who was one of the guitarists in the band.
They also released a short digest video of two of the songs they performed as the opening act: yami ni chiru sakura and gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi.
I have little to no data from this period thus far, other than the image below, likely the header.
Anything Missing?
If you know of anything relating to this release that hasn’t been covered here, please feel free to leave a comment on the Discord.
Discussion and fannish enthusiasm is more than welcome too!