alice nine.

hévn vol 16 2005.02, pg. 20
Original text: 目 真奈美
English Translation: Janique

Please note that this is just a partial translation of the interview.

Show: For gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi, Saga-kun brought the demo in for us, but when I listened to the song, I sensed a wondrous world with a majestic feel, and wrote the lyrics with that impression. It turned into a rock number that brought out a straight-up ALICE NINE. sort of part and a marvelous worldview.

Saga: This time in my head I had a sort of “white” mental image. In regard to that “white” impression before making the song, when I was thinking of an example of how to go about expressing it in an ALICE NINE. way, I was able to complete the song. I made it while imagining a white world of wondrous imagery.

Interviewer: Nao-san, what did you feel when you received and listened to the song?

Nao: It’s Saga-world, isn’t it! With “white” as its base concept, I think he was able to make something beyond our expectations.


If you would like to share the translation, please link back to this entry rather than re-posting it. By all means, translate this interpretation into other languages if you like! Just drop me a message to let me know. May ALICE NINE. reach all corners of the galaxy ♥