An Absolute Love

SHOXX 2005.05 vol 147, page 73
Original text: NAOKO TAKEICHI
Photography: MIWA OHYA
English Translation: Janique

Stars of Silver, Black Moon

Achieving a grand success with their first one-man live “Civilization and Enlightenment–A Very Strange Music Show–” at LIQUIDROOM ebisu, ALICE NINE. is amassing attention within the scene with a single swoop. Those guys have made “gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi” their first shot, which is to say, the curtain on their 3-part consecutive project “Nine – Poetry in Stereo Image – Singles” will raise at last. In terms of the 3 consecutive singles that will be released over the course of 3 months, I wonder just what sort of significance these things will carry. This time, to start with, we asked them to talk about the first shot in the series, “gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi”.


Please note that this is just a partial translation of the interview.

Interviewer: Yes (laughs). Well then, what is “kousai STRIPE” like? This is a song that held a different sort of brightness than “gin no tsuki kuroi hoshi” and a feeling of sprinting.

Show: Yes, I also very much got a sense of vigor from within this song, and in terms of the lyrics, I tried sketching out the straightforward feeling of going directly to the side of the person you like. The image of the light of the morning sun facing the sky, emitting light, and that light being in the shape of a stripe popped into my head, and I left the title at that.

Interviewer: It’s an unusual song when it comes to ALICE NINE. isn’t it?

Saga: It is. Because I personally thought it was unusual too (laugh). There is that, and you could say the way it was made was different than usual; even though I always picture a scene and compose songs, where this song is concerned, it was like, I tried to form it out of the “band sound” that I had thought was cool when I was a middle-schooler (laughs). So the original song was more punk-ish and had a gruff feel. So in terms of sound as well, rather than emphasizing an image, it turned into a song where we were sort of confronting the sound itself.

Tora: This song’s guitar is simple, but I wanted to make it so that it had this sort of like, flavour, so anyway I played putting emphasis on its energy.

Show: Tora-kun, you recorded this in one take, right?

Tora: Yep. I figured this wasn’t the sorta guitar you’d think about while playing it so I did my best.

Hiroto: I also have loved punk-style sounds with vigor since the beginning, but was extremely happy that we were able to express that by way of ALICE NINE.’s sound. In terms of the guitar, I did my best so that I at least wouldn’t kill the energy of it. It is straight-up rock, but there are also some sensitive parts we put in so to those who play guitar, by all means, please also watch out for the sophistication of those sensitive parts!

Nao: When Saga-kun came in with the demo, I couldn’t imagine how we would complete it, but truly, in terms of ALICE NINE. doing straight-up rock, personally I’m awfully satisfied with the very splendid shape it settled into. When Saga-kun was making this song, it was also a period of time where we were having various life-related conversations together, so I think the song materialized out of the feeling of being liberated from worry.

Interviewer: I see. Well then, in the next issue, you’ll be allowing us a conversation about “yami ni chiru sakura.”

Show: Please anticipate it. As you would expect, I think for all three works, there will also be answers that will come out to you at first listen, so be sure not to miss out on listening to them!


If you would like to share the translation, please link back to this entry rather than re-posting it. By all means, translate this interpretation into other languages if you like! Just drop me a message to let me know. May ALICE NINE. reach all corners of the galaxy ♥

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